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A Powerful Statement

In opting for less money, and basing his compensation on performance, Purdue's new president is setting a model for higher education, writes Arthur Levine.

Apocalypse Later

In the debut of a new column, Peter Stokes, a longtime proponent of higher education innovation, challenges the fascination with "disruption" and urges a focus on improvement and strategy instead.

Dog Days

Did Bo help get the president re-elected? Scott McLemee looks into the burgeoning literature on canine politics.

The Widget Theory of Higher Ed

The effectiveness of higher education can't be evaluated as one would examine a factory, writes Peter T. Flawn.

Why Students Gripe About Grades

Professors can change attitudes, but only by thinking about educational values, and not just grading policies, writes Cathy Davidson.

The Shrinking Humanities

To understand and to defend this crucial part of the scholarly world, academics need to remember its history, writes W. Robert Connor.

The Year Ahead in IT, 2013

In the new installment of his annual feature, Lev Gonick dissects the technology developments that are likely to change higher ed -- and not -- in the year ahead.

The Year in Review, in Brief

Carolyn Foster Segal assesses the year just past, and finds that plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.