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Attacks on Critical Race Theory Threaten Democracy

Grounding in an accurate and complete American history -- of which race is a central component -- is the basis for a common understanding on which a democracy is built, Harvey J. Graff argues.

In Spite of Everything

Scott McLemee explores Spite: The Upside of Your Dark Side by Simon McCarthy-Jones.

A College Leader Takes His First Virtual Class

After enrolling in an online course during the pandemic, Roger Martin, a former college president, has some suggestions for current leaders about instructional changes they may want to consider.

The Viability of Virtual Exchange

Even after the pandemic, it will remain an important part of internationalizing a classroom experience for college students around the world, says Mohamed Abdel-Kader.

Small but Mighty

Mary Anne Lewis Cusato shares seven successful strategies she used to boost an academic program led by a single full-time faculty member.

From Sacred Cow to Sacrificial Lamb

When tenure’s postmortem is written, many culprits are sure to be held accountable for its steady -- and now accelerating -- erosion, write Scott Latham and Michael Braun.

What AP Scorers Shouldn’t Grade

Some things -- even things that may seem worthwhile -- may not be graded with fairness, writes Laura Aull.

Student-Centric Transformation

If colleges were to focus less on their business models and more on their students, the positive results would be significant, argues Steve K. Stoute.