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How I Wrote My Dissertation

A failed group book project prompts Terry Caesar to consider academic definitions of rejection and success.

A Rock and a Hard Place

Teaching at her alma mater left Amy Wink thinking about the paths she has taken.

Explaining the Crackdown on Student Downloading

Illegal file trafficking is a disproportionate problem on college campuses, and most institutions haven't done enough to stop it, Mitch Bainwol and Cary Sherman write.

Remember Baudrillard

Scott McLemee takes a look back at the postmodern thinker and intellectual playboy who inspired "The Matrix."

How to Help Adjuncts

Gwendolyn Bradley offers suggestions for administrators or chairs who want to improve working conditions for contingent faculty members.

Making Graduation Rates Matter

No need to wait for a new database of student records, says Clifford Adelman. A few revisions now can produce a fuller and more honest measure of degree completion.

The Elusive 'It'

I’m in my 29th year of community college work -- nearly three decades of completed service and the happy land...

The Music Industry's 'Spring Offensive'

This afternoon, in a Congressional office building, Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House of Representatives Judiciary Subcommittee on...