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The Court Got It Right

Colleges shouldn't be surprised or angered by the ruling against Temple's former sexual harassment policy, write William Creeley, Samantha Harris and Greg Lukianoff.

Five Secrets to Publishing Success

Thom Brooks offers advice to early career academics trying to maneuver through the anxiety-laden terrain of scholarly publishing.

High Tech Anxiety

Melissa Ballard hasn't spent the summer studying the latest bulletins on IT changes at her college, so she makes a list of what really matters.

Poli Sci Fi

The presidential campaigns are running themselves into the ground. Scott McLemee thinks space is the place....

Welcoming a New Provost, in 3 Months or Less

Albert DeCiccio and Karen Gross offer advice on how to enable change -- and escape catastrophe -- in inculcating a chief academic officer.

Cooking for the Faculty

Administrators who want to reach out to professors may want to spend more time in the kitchen, writes Michael Bugeja.

Where's the Data?

You see it all the time, in the brochures and advertisements from liberal arts colleges and other non-gargantuan institutions. "Small...

Do We Assess Learning? Pull Up a Chair...

Even knowing what questions to ask about how colleges teach and students learn is difficult, says Bernard Fryshman. The answers? How much time do you have?