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Advancing Your Online Education Strategy

Successful planning approaches tend to ask and answer these 12 questions, Ben Chrischilles writes.

What We Lose When We Lose Languages

In cutting languages, colleges undercut commitments to social justice and to translation, in the broadest possible sense, Jessica Blum-Sorensen writes.

The Evolving Ethics of Early Decision

Jim Jump considers the issues and the way they are changing.

Centering Students in the Diversity Statement Debate

With diversity statements under fire, the right response isn’t to give up on addressing equity goals through hiring: it’s to improve what we’re asking of candidates, Justin P. McBrayer and Sarah Roberts-Cady write.

Doubling Down on Nathan Heller's Flawed Essay

English professors shouldn't repeat romanticized myths about the state of their field.

Couch, Clinic, Scanner

Scott McLemee reviews David Hellerstein’s The Couch, the Clinic, and the Scanner: Stories From Three Revolutionary Eras of the Mind.

Unapologetic Leadership: I Wear Chuck Taylors

Community college president Keith Curry writes that his choice of professional footwear helps him better connect with students and advocate on their behalf as his authentic self.

A Guide to Generative AI Policy Making

Administrators and faculty should respond to the rise of AI with speed, strategic purpose and an inclusive focus on equitable student value, Daniel Dolan and Ekin Yasin write.