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Pricing Today and Tomorrow

With COVID-19 and the recession aggravating existing revenue pressures on many colleges, now is the time for campus leaders to develop sustainable strategies, argue Peter Stokes, Bijan Warner and Steve Hahn.

Derailed by Poor Messaging

Or as Cool Hand Luke put it, “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate,” writes Michael J. Socolow about campus reopening plans.
Illustration of students at desks

The Future of College Admissions Is Test Blind

A judge has undermined systemic racism by making the University of California test blind, write Joseph A. Soares and Jay Rosner.

Ethical College Admissions: Coronavirus and College Admission Change

Some things will change, but others won't, writes Jim Jump.

Against Schadenfreude

Higher education confronts a collapse that's more than whether we can continue to pay employees, more than whether our students and institutions are healthy and safe, Susan Henking argues.

Why I’m Teaching Online

Christopher Schaberg, who previously asserted he'd never teach online, describes why he's now veering that way, even when he could teach face-to-face.

What’s a Safe Enough Space on Campuses Now?

Bringing students back to properly run campuses may well be healthier than leaving them to their own devices and hometown gathering (and watering) places, writes Michael S. Roth.

Humane Assessment Shouldn’t Happen Only During a Pandemic

A standards-based approach to grading that incorporates goal-setting and self-reflection can help promote students' progress in times of crisis as well as normalcy, advises Rosalie Metro.