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Known Unknowns

The impact of social distancing on the actual process and outcomes of research has not been carefully evaluated or even broadly acknowledged, write Peter Schiffer and Jay Walsh.

Diversifying AP

The College Board has made real progress, but more work needs to be done, writes Mark Carl Rom.

Counselors Need Real Support

The pandemic has created a real crisis that higher education can help solve, write four scholars.

The Education Department’s Race to the Bottom

Its Orwellian reading of a university's statement on combating systemic racism is part of a broad effort to flip the national dialogue on race, history and education, argue David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler.

The Greatest Generation Redux?

The challenges before college students today match those of any generation, write Morton Schapiro and Barry Glassner, and they will need all the support older Americans can offer.

Disruption, Accessibility and Digital Generational Literacy

COVID-19 has brought global communities together in new ways, and we'll have to collaborate technically and across generations to address all the disruptions we face, writes Lisa M. Coleman.

What Tech Calls Thinking

Scott McLemee reviews Adrian Daub's What Tech Calls Thinking: An Inquiry Into the Intellectual Bedrock of Silicon Valley.

Reclaiming Intellectual Community

Technology encouraged social distancing on campuses long before the pandemic exacerbated it, writes Adam J. Davis, and the challenge now is how to rebuild connections.