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An Investment That Would Pay Off for Society

Our failure to enact racial and economic justice in higher education costs the United States close to $956 billion per year, write Anthony P. Carnevale and Kathryn Peltier Campbell.

Students: You're Doing Better Than You Think. And You Should Still Ask for Help

In the wake of the pandemic, it’s time to rethink how we approach campus mental health, says Elisa Bolton.

Colleges Must Require the Study of Well-Being in High School

They should require students to take for-credit mental health courses in secondary school as a mandatory part of the admissions process, argues Sherrie Page.

It's Time for the IRS to Question Legacy Admissions

The practice favors the wealthy and should end, writes Yair Listokin.

The Key to Safe and Sustained College Reopenings

We must leverage the power and effectiveness of high-volume antigen tests, writes Julianne Malveaux.

Human Conditions, Early and Otherwise

Scott McLemee reviews fall 2021 books on human origins and development.

2 Steps Land Grants Should Take to Fight Racial Injustice

Unfortunately, to date we've seen a lot of talk but far less action when it comes to righting past wrongs and healing our nation's wounds, argues Stephen M. Gavazzi.

No Strings Attached?

Authoritarian regimes have turned free universities to their advantage, Mick Zais and Reed Rubinstein argue, and it is time for a careful and resolute response.