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Midnight Classes -- The Movie

Gates Foundation films our columnist and colleagues, hard at work in the wee hours.

The Fog

Academe hides lots of realities in fancy words, writes Steve Street, including the truth about who teaches.

Arguing with Tony Judt

The late historian was provocative and courageous. Scott McLemee practices reader response criticism.

Libel via YouTube

What's it like to be the Shirley Sherrod of your university? Karl Walling shares his experience and offers suggestions for higher education.

Christians in Academe: a Reply

If many evangelicals aren't comfortable in mainstream higher education, they should consider their own responsibility for the divide, writes Adam Kotsko.

More Than a Paycheck

The message that higher education matters for the working class only for economic reasons shortchanges them and liberal studies, writes Mike Rose.

After the Postsecular

A new collection of essays continues "the religious turn" in philosophy. Scott McLemee interviews the editors.

From HBCUs to BCUs

Roy L. Beasley, who has spent his career at a historically black university, writes that now is the time for a new model to serve black students.