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Race Still Matters

Colleges need a new set of discussions -- involving students, professors, administrators and their communities, write Michelle Asha Cooper and David A. Longanecker.

Wrong Things, Rightly Named

An Eastern European thinker knows what to call the practices covered in the CIA report. Scott McLemee follows his lead....

Finding One's Way By Losing It

As comforting as lamentation can be, colleges and their leaders will waste an opportunity if they respond to the economic crisis with frugality and caution, David E. Shi writes.

End of the Business Simile

With so many companies collapsing, Daniel J. Ennis notices that academics are no longer being told that they need to learn management and strategy from the corporate world. A Proposal

Academics should do more than wring their hands over the Great Newspaper Meltdown, David Scobey argues: They should play host to campus-based ventures for local and state news.

Putting the Amateur Myth to Rest

Big-time college athletes are not amateurs nor should they be pros, and the NCAA needs a new model to recognize that, Allen Sack argues.

Criminal Incompetence

A new book studies how criminals communicate with each other. Scott McLemee looks for career advice...

Obama's Agenda for Black Colleges

President Obama recently chose John Silvanus Wilson Jr. to be the new director of the White House Initiative on Historically...