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Interdisciplinary Action

Scott McLemee reviews Catherine Lyall's Being an Interdisciplinary Academic: How Institutions Shape University Careers.

A String of Scandals

William G. Tierney describes the mistakes that brought down the University of Southern California.

Technology 1, ‘Credential Society’ 0

Randall Collins’s recently reissued 1979 book arguing that education and training are about credentialing rather than skills rings false in the digital age, Ryan Craig argues.

Don’t Romanticize Faculty Governance

We faculty members are capable of both intellectual rigor and self-serving small-mindedness, astounding courage and craven pettiness. We are and are not special, writes Kathryn D. Blanchard.

The Problem With Diversity Questions

We would do well to replace them with more tangible queries about teaching and mentoring, argues Alex Small.

Ethical College Admissions: Chicago Declares Test Optional a Success

The policies deserve a careful look, writes Jim Jump.

Philosophers Should Not Be Sanctioned Over Their Positions on Sex and Gender

While the respect due to all people should never be compromised, academic freedom should be restricted only with the greatest caution, if ever, write 12 leading scholars.

From Classroom to Underclass

Scott McLemee reviews Gary Roth's The Educated Underclass: Students and Social Mobility.