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What’s Wrong With the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act

Rather than establish an official definition of anti-Semitism, the U.S. Congress should consider legislation that would focus investigative departments on harassment of students, argue Cary Nelson and other members of the Alliance for Academic Freedom.

Ethical College Admissions: Scholarships or Product Placement?

Free money for college? Beware of the offers, writes Jim Jump.

Creating a Culture of Cronyism

A lucrative form of patronage appears to be emerging at Michigan State in the wake of the Nassar scandal, write James Finkelstein and Judith Wilde.

Anchoring an Argument

Scott McLemee considers Leo R. Chavez's Anchor Babies and The Challenge of Birthright Citizenship, which makes clear how little has been added to the stock of anti-immigrant rhetoric over the past century.

The Case for Heritage Programming in Study Abroad

It may provide, among other benefits, a way to increase study-abroad participation among students of color, writes William N. Pruitt III.

Ready, Aim, FIRE!

Samantha Harris and Mary Zoeller respond to a recent essay criticizing the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.

Defending Free Speech

Michael Poliakoff writes that many campuses deserve attention for failing to defend the values of free expression.

How Textbook Rentals Undercut Students

We need to do better in making course materials available to cash-strapped undergraduates and letting them interact with the texts and ideas, Sheila Liming argues.