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The Importance of Cultivating Curiosity

After graduation, students often don't apply this intellectual asset to their careers, even though satisfying job choices are tightly correlated with it, writes Mike O'Connor.

The Untapped Potential of Making and Makerspaces

Charles M. Schweik describes four ways higher education could make much more of such educational opportunities.

The Need for a Recovery of the Humanities

To recover the trust of students and their families, Michael S. Roth writes, we must overcome our cultivated insularity.

Ethical College Admissions: Presidents as Admission Officers

Northwestern's leader may know more about admissions than many other presidents, writes Jim Jump, but there are still ethical issues raised by his making hundreds of admissions decisions.

A Gen Z Guide to Inclusivity

Shawna Shapiro explores the results of interviews with dozens of students on the topic and some of the surprises she encountered.

This Long Conversation

Scott McLemee reviews Jenifer Ratner-Rosenhagen's The Ideas That Made America: A Brief History.

Why Every University Needs an Africa Strategy

Just as many academic institutions now regret their slow start in China, so will they come to regret missing out on early opportunities in this increasingly important and fast-growing region, Grant T. Harris warns.

The Wrong Response to a Tragedy

When devastating international crises like the one in Sri Lanka occur, Judith Shapiro asks, what should be a campus's first consideration?