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Counterblasting the Past

A new book series offers polemics against prominent figures -- including an influential academic turned politician. Scott McLemee casts his vote.

A Predictable Scandal

Given the corrupting influence of rankings, there is no cause for surprise by what happened at Claremont McKenna, writes William D. Adams. What the incident should inspire is a collective stand.

Commodifying the Academic Self

The gaming of citation index measures has Gaye Tuchman wondering about how professors value themselves and their work.

Adventures in Wonderland

For all the hubbub about massive online classes offered by elite universities, the real potential game-changer in higher education is competency-based learning, writes Ryan Craig.

Getting Siri-ous

A techno-phobe professor at U of All People experiments with the iPhone's voice-activated assistant -- and the results aren't pretty. David Galef surveys the damage.

Obama, Clinton, Palin

Historians look back at the 2008 election in a new book. Scott McLemee registers his impressions.

Among the Majority

Michael Bérubé reflects on the first national meeting of an organization fighting for academics off the tenure track.

The Admiring Ignorant

William Bradley considers how students treat professors these days, and how he treated the professors he revered in college.