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Our Zombies, Our Selves

Scott McLemee writes of the recent passing of George A. Romero, the “godfather of zombie film,” and how his work was simultaneously horrific and satirical.

Training Instructors to Use Tech Tools

Amy Rottmann and Salena Rabidoux provide six strategies for preparing educators to teach online or with in-class technologies.

Drawing the Line at the Eff Word

We in higher education should set an example of professionalism and clean up our language, especially when it comes to the “queen mother of dirty words,” argues Brent Foster.

Ethical College Admissions: Economics Once Again

Jim Jump considers the conflicts between doing the right thing, doing the right thing to help the bottom line and doing what you can afford.

What Makes a Good Free College Plan?

It is important to ask crucial funding questions about such plans now, argues Bob Samuels.

Proposed Federal Policy Would Cripple University Research

A proposal by the federal Office of Management and Budget would leave higher education research institutions in every state in an impossible situation, write the chief research officers of 12 Florida colleges and universities.

Missing Voices on Sexual Assault Response

Federal officials won’t grasp the complexity of the debate over campus sexual violence without hearing from those who understand it best: student affairs professionals, Lee Burdette Williams argues.

Teaching With Emerging Technologies

Michelle Pacansky-Brock says digital learning is reshaping the higher ed landscape, and suggests five things instructors need to succeed.