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Anarchy and Commercialism

The problems facing scholarly journals extend well beyond the "publish or perish" syndrome, and grow from it, write Philip G. Altbach and Brendan Rapple.

Tweet, Loc. Cit.

MLA has a format for citing Twitter? Scott McLemee looks at the shape of scholarly conversations to come.

Larry Summers Is Wrong About Languages

The argument that linguistic ignorance won't hold back future generations of Americans could have disastrous consequences for individuals -- and the nation, Michael E. Geisler argues.

Vagary [prob. fr. L vagari to wander]:

An eccentric or unpredictable action syn see CAPRICE. Such definitions leave Julio Alves thinking about words, precision and dictionaries.

Faculty Role in Admissions

It's time for professors to take a stand against the reliance on standardized tests, writes Joseph Soares.

Presidential Role in Admissions

It's time for presidents to take a stand against rankings, writes Lloyd Thacker.

For-Profit Lessons for All

Despite all the controversies over the for-profit sector, it uses some approaches that could be embraced by traditional colleges, writes Ben Wildavsky.

Tea and Sympathy

A law professor argues that the Tea Party movement is the Constitution's bodyguard. Scott McLemee gets schooled on originalism.