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Inherent Flaws

Natasha K. Warikoo, the author of a new book about diversity and admissions, reflects on helping her son apply to a private school while she was reviewing applicants to a graduate program.

What Boards Are Missing: Curiosity

College and university boards have much about which to be curious these days, argue Peter Eckel and Cathy Trower, but too many struggle with asking questions at all, let alone good or great ones.

The Costs of a Calling

The Duke Divinity email fracas shows the peril of academics viewing their work as a vocation and not a job, argues Jonathan Malesic.

Not Coddling but Learning

Why would we expect, ask John C. and Christine K. Cavanaugh, that students who have come of age surrounded by people who largely look and think as they do will be highly skilled at handling disagreeable situations?

Is Online Running Out of Steam?

Looking at supply and demand, Robert Ubell says blended delivery is the next extension in digital learning.

What Policies for Improving Graduation Rates Actually Work?

As students across the country prepare to receive their degrees, five authors explore how to increase their numbers.

Trump Has It Right

He can sometimes stumble into the correct position when trying to appease a constituency, as is the case with his approach to political speech by nonprofit groups, argues John K. Wilson.

Making Liberal Arts Angst Work for High School Applicants

Richard DiFeliciantonio offers tips for counselors.