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Opening the Door to OER

Open educational resources offer enormous possibilities for college students and professors, but much work remains in finding, curating and maintaining the curricular materials, Fernando Bleichmar writes.

The False Choice Between Education and Employment Readiness

Enrolling and graduating more students isn’t enough -- colleges and universities must prepare them for work, too, writes Peter McPherson.

National Sinking Day

Jordan Peele’s film Get Out has ruined college football’s most important day, writes Solomon Hughes.

Are We Turning the Tide?

Leonard J. DeLorenzo questions whether the college admissions system is addressing its problems.

Ethical College Admissions: Pro-Test or Protest

Jim Jump raises questions about a new book arguing against test-optional admissions.

STEM Educators Can No Longer Be Apolitical

The new social contract calls for us to adapt to the reality that data and discovery challenge people’s worldview, write Jason Hamilton and Thomas J. Pfaff.

200 Years Young

Scott McLemee reviews The Young Karl Marx, which, on the eve of 200th anniversary of Marx's birth, contains themes of economic crises and inequalities that remain relevant today.

Why Are You All So Young and Stupid?

Kieran Healy offers a tongue-in-cheek table of contents from his new Angry Professor book project.