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Higher Education’s Postelection Voice

Pete Mackey describes four pillars that must serve as the foundation for how colleges and universities communicate in this new era.

Consuming Catastrophe

In a new book, Timothy Recuber explores how the media cover disasters like the Virginia Tech shootings -- but sometimes in problematic ways, writes Scott McLemee.

A Radical Dialogue

After getting the election wrong, academics are now at a crossroads, writes Elaine Howard Ecklund, and the way forward is to pursue something we don’t hear often on university campuses.

What 'Grit' Means for College Educators

Educators should seek to build campus ecosystems where those with certain qualities can shine, strengthen themselves and inspire others, writes Daniel R. Porterfield.

Teaching Negotiation in the Age of Trump

Dozens of academic disciplines can offer meaningful insight into our current political landscape, writes Brian Farkas, even those that seem less obvious on first blush.

Black Learning Matters

We in higher education talk a lot about access, but we rarely include in that discussion access for all students to a rich and genuinely diverse curriculum, argues W. Robert Connor.

A Tale of Two Crises

Are dwindling support for the humanities and a lack of diversity in higher education two separate issues, asks Christine Henseler, or are they, in fact, closely intertwined?

It Probably Won’t Save Your Life

Although colleges and universities have spent tens of millions of dollars on complex emergency communications systems to try to make campuses safer, the technology has serious limitations, warns Bill Mahon.