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The Footnote Police vs. Ward Churchill

John K. Wilson says the investigation of the controversial Colorado professor may endanger professors and play into the hands of academic critics.

Commission: Fix the FAFSA

Wick Sloane urges the U.S. higher ed panel to make one simple change that will help needy students more than perhaps any other.

The Kircher Code

Enough with Da Vinci Code already! Scott McLemee champions a Renaissance man whose time has come.

What Trustees Must Do, After A.U.

Boards should change their behavior -- before Congress makes them, says Drew Miller.

The Exhausting Job of Teaching

Wonder why you are worn out by the end of the semester? Shari Wilson explores the demands of being a professor.

An Alternative Approach to Finding Presidents

Lucie Lapovsky suggests that colleges consider planning for succession rather than automatically going to an outside search.

Rules for Visiting Lecturers

David Galef shares the latest memo making the rounds at U. of All People.

We, the People...

A French thinker is writing the "conceptual history" of modern democracy. Scott McLemee takes some lessons.