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'Molto, Signora': Or, How I Read Winckelmann Under the Tuscan Sun

I hadn’t seen the movie and I hadn’t read the book, but I’d seen the preview and the poster: “The...

RateMyRankings: Ridiculous!

Forbes portrays its new college rankings as an outcomes-oriented alternative to U.S. News. But the outcomes it chooses -- including -- make it seem like a parody, Patricia McGuire writes.

Rankings Are Useful -- But Go Beyond 'U.S. News'

Many in the academic community despise college rankings and the implicit associated “grading” of universities. This is terribly ironic since...

The End of the End of the End of History?

The conflict between Russia and Georgia was a turning point of some kind. Scott McLemee wonders what's the big idea....

Why Doesn't Plagiarism Matter?

As David Horowitz would be quick to remind you, academics tend to skew to the left in their political outlook...

Teaching Abroad With Obama

Helen Solterer, with Jean Delabroy, considers how one of the presidential candidate's speeches was used by a French university.

Expanding Student Choices in Study Abroad

In a global academic market, colleges should shed their protectionist policies on transfer of credit, writes Richard C. Sutton.

On 'Real Education' - II

Bell Curve author Charles Murray takes direct aim at higher education in his new book Real Education by asserting that...