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The Costs of Overpromising

It is impossible to identify and treat all the college students who experience anxiety and depression, and we must determine which groups we can effectively assist, argues Billie Wright Dziech.

My Role

Nicholas Soodik describes his role as a college counselor.

Ethical College Admissions: Standard Strong, ALDCs and Lops

The Harvard affirmative action ruling provides important lessons on how the university admits students, writes Jim Jump.

5 Years Is Not Fast-Tracking

Far too many campuses don’t make it a priority to immediately deal with what they know can be impending disaster, argues Susan Resneck Pierce.

Prelude to a Pricing Paradigm Shift

Why hasn’t tuition in online education tumbled, and what will it take to drive the price down? Ryan Craig asks.

What Is It Like to Be a Cat?

Scott McLemee reviews Understanding Animals: Philosophy for Dog and Cat Lovers by Lars Svendsen.

So You Think Higher Ed Is a Safe Space for Trans Folks?

Read the Inside Higher Ed comments and think again, says Robyn Schlesinger.

Thinking Outside the Digital Box

Curtis Newbold explains why he took his online students to the jungles of Cambodia.