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Michelle Miller questions sexual harassment policies that take away the right of students to opt for a relationship -- however complicated -- with an instructor.

Head in the Clouds

When experts advise academe to embrace a radical new future, they ignore what students really need and move us toward a faculty-free future, writes Laurence Musgrove.

Give Athletes a Raise

Proposals to award multiyear athletics scholarships and increase grants' value to cost of attendance would help players and enhance NCAA's amateurism argument, Allen Sack argues.

Google, Apple and Higher Ed’s Future

The approaches taken by the two technology giants offer differing lessons for how colleges might re-imagine themselves going forward, writes Mark Weedman.

Mad -- or Just Angry?

A new book claims that the notorious emperor Caligula got a bad rap. Scott McLemee scrolls through it.

The White Man's Trick Bag

Its time for advocates for black colleges and black students to embrace statistics and metrics, writes Roy L. Beasley.

Canons, Curricula, Numbers

When public university leaders kill programs in crucial disciplines on the basis of low enrollments, they distort the responsibilities of professors and administrators, writes Rebecca Gould.

Teaching Virtual Teamwork

Students may be tech savvy, but there are important online skills they need to learn, writes Daniel Terris.