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Why Academics Need a Digital Persona

Laura Pasquini writes it is becoming increasingly vital for scholars to share their practices online and develop a digital presence to support their work.

Freud's Furniture

Nathan Kravis’s On the Couch: A Repressed History of the Analytic Couch From Plato to Freud examines why that piece of furniture ever entered the analytic tradition and how its efficacy and centrality have now come under scrutiny, writes Scott McLemee.

Tuition Discounting: The Problem, not the Remedy

It’s an addiction, argues Frank H. Wu, and presidents, backed by boards, have to wean themselves off this drug.

NACAC's New Approach to Ethics

Jim Jump offers an inside look at the way the association changed its rules.

The Equity-Minded Civic Learning All Americans Need

The most constructive response to Charlottesville would be for educators to make such learning central, writes Carol Geary Schneider.

A Michelangelo of Teachers

Bruce Jackson’s approach to education can serve as an example for us all, write John Mateja and Arlene Lieberman.

The Trouble With Some LGBT-Exclusive Campus Spaces

They won’t get us closer to an equal, open society, argues Richard Greggory Johnson III.

Improving the Quality of Education

By concentrating so heavily on graduation rates, policy makers are ignoring danger signs that the amount that students are learning in college may be declining, writes Derek Bok.