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Jesus and Academic Freedom

Florida Atlantic University's handling of public attacks on one of its faculty members featured plenty of doublespeak and not much principle, writes Cary Nelson.

That Old Chalkboard Mojo

There are important elements of teaching for which PowerPoint is only of minimal help, writes Christopher Conway.

Giant Ground Sloth Task Force

Brent Chesley found himself the only faculty member on a committee of administrators. He shares the experience.

God Bless the Janitors

Wick Sloane recommends a Massachusetts union's trenchant series of reports on the foibles of higher education finance.

Byte the Humanities

Sure, digital humanists can count how often Huckleberry Finn says "ain't," but that's not the point. Scott McLemee looks at a caricature -- and the real thing.

Our Dirty Little Secret

It's time for higher education leaders to admit that the way they treat those off the tenure track is unethical, and to commit to change, write Adrianna Kezar, David Longanecker and Daniel Maxey.

Liberal Arts Management

The deans with the greatest challenge today may be those who lead liberal arts divisions, writes Michael Bugeja, who says it's time they received some support.

Don't Arm Us

Lucinda Roy, a Virginia Tech professor who reported concerns about Seung-Hui Cho before he killed, writes that the idea of arming faculty members is foolish and dangerous.