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The Meaning of Juneteenth for Higher Ed

Following on his university’s first Juneteenth celebration, Thomas A. Parham reflects on how higher education can make substantive change to support Black excellence.

Repairing the Road for Returning Students

Colleges need to remove barriers to re-enroll more of the millions of adults who have some college but no degree, Jorge Salas writes.

Let’s Talk About Race and Academic Integrity

Race has been missing from conversations around academic integrity even though the issue is racialized through and through, Antar A. Tichavakunda writes.

Abortion Decision Takes Aim at College Students

The fall of Roe v. Wade equals the end of equitable educational access for women, Christina Christie and Eileen Strempel write.

The Loan Repayment Pause Is Welfare for the Rich

The 30-month pause on student loan payments is astoundingly regressive, Andrew Gillen writes.

Ethical College Admissions: Is It Time for a New Paradigm?

Jim Jump considers the problems and potential solutions facing higher education admissions.

It’s Time for ‘Crip Time’

Embracing a more flexible concept of time known as “crip time”—including when it comes to tenure clocks—would make higher ed more inclusive of scholars with disabilities, Darla Schumm writes.

Questioning the Machine

Scott McLemee reviews Mark Coeckelbergh’s The Political Philosophy of AI.