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Baseball, 'Bull Durham' and the Classroom

My classes have come to a close for another year while professional baseball is finding its summer stride. I have...

Thinking Like an Entrepreneur

Creators of online academic resources have to change their mindset and behavior if they want to build sustainable projects in today’s rapidly changing environment, Kevin Guthrie writes.

Plenty to Go Around

A new field of research is emerging, devoted to the study of ignorance. Scott McLemee did not know that.

Teaching Business at a Liberal Arts College

Jeffrey Nesteruk finds advantages in representing the unexpected perspective at his institution.

Carrots, Sticks and Transfer

The right incentives could be used to truly make it possible for community college students to go on to four-year institutions, writes Kevin Carey.

Clickers, Pedagogy and Edtechtainment

Alan Groveman questions whether some of the latest technology for classrooms actually promotes learning.

Today, Harvard. Tomorrow ... ?

The Senate Finance Committee's interest in how Harvard spends its billions has troubling implications that extend to everyone in the nonprofit sector, warns Bernard Fryshman.

Books Exposed, Part Two

Scott McLemee continues his preview of the publishing season ahead.