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Pre-Med Education Must Be Compatible with Liberal Arts Ideals

Undergraduate institutions can't be reduced to "farm clubs" for "big league" medical schools, writes Timothy R. Austin.

Lucy in Disguise

Three years ago, an undercover agent in Maryland spied on activists. Scott McLemee finds her description in a sociologist's article from 1974.

Wanted: Leaders Who Produce

College presidents and trustees must step up if American higher education is to meet the productivity and affordability challenges ahead, writes Larry A. Isaak.

What Higher Ed Can Learn From the Obama Campaign

Student excitement suggests that it's time for colleges to think not just about civic engagement, but about the curriculum in American history and politics, writes Richard M. Freeland.

Reality Check

Sorry men, writes Mary Hatcher-Skeers, the gender equity problem in science has not been solved.

The Final Six Months

Revamp the financial aid system? Robert Shireman says the Education Department might focus its energy in its last days on a less-ambitious but helpful goal: better URLs for its Web sites.

A Debt of Honor -- Skipped Out On

Newspapers keep abandoning any responsibility toward books. Scott McLemee looks back at print culture....

Teaching Composition: A Reconsideration

William Major writes that it's time to stop complaining about how students write, and to get more professors in the classroom.