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The Why and How of Human Terrain Teams

Adam L. Silverman, a social science advisor to the U.S. Army program, which embeds academics with brigade combat teams, explains what he does, and why.

War in the Heavens and Here Below

A new book revisits Manicheaism. Scott McLemee takes a look at the world religion that didn't quite make it.

The Library Web Site of the Future

Professors don’t view academic library portals as their source for scholarly resources. Rather than fight that trend, Steven Bell writes, librarians should transform their Web sites and put their content where faculty and students can find it.

The 'Business Model' Is the Wrong Model

In their honest desire to satisfy the current demand for “accountability” in higher education, many academics have begun to worship...

Joe, Mauricio, and the Public Trust

Economic turmoil, change in Washington and demographic shifts make this an ideal time to rethink the way colleges recruit and admit students, write Jerome A. Lucido and Morton Owen Schapiro.

Sexual Harassment and Group Punishment

The destructive impact of a form of discrimination shouldn't be used to justify solutions that may amount to public relations and violate the rights of innocent faculty members, writes Gary Rhoades.

The Holy Earth

Liberty Hyde Bailey was part Al Gore, part Indiana Jones. Scott McLemee looks into the revival...

Using Quaker Principles to Budget in Tough Times

Although not a member of the faith, Kent John Chabotar finds the role of silence and respect for minority opinions to be relevant in navigating college finances during the worldwide economic crisis.