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A Slice of Cheesecake

The notorious Bettie Page is just part of American pin-up history. Scott McLemee finds out the rest of the story.

In re: Loco Parents

Margaret Gutman Klosko -- who dealt with anxious mothers and fathers when she was an administrator -- offers advice for those like her with children in college.

Jewish in Polynesia

When he ended up teaching anthropology in Hawaii, Alex Golub writes that traditional assumptions about ethnicity -- and how to talk about it in the classroom -- just didn’t work any more.

Conflicting Interests

At its best, accreditation can work wonders, writes John D. Wiley, but too often it doesn't serve students or taxpayers.

It's Time to End 'Physics for Poets'

At the small liberal arts college where I teach, we have recently undertaken a wholesale revision of our core liberal...

The Silencer

People are bringing cell phones into libraries and academic conferences. Scott McLemee wants to take them out.

Self-Assessment: Academe and Me

An annual assignment from a dean leaves one professor thinking about how colleges really view the minority faculty members they say they value so highly.

Our Office

Christopher Conway remembers moving into the space until recently occupied by a beloved professor who had died unexpectedly.