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The Truth? I Can't Handle the Truth!

Harvard University Press has just issued a book promulgating a JFK assassination conspiracy theory. Let's put that sentence on the...

An Open Letter About Antioch's Future

In June 2007 my partner Paula Treichler and I attended a series of events at Antioch College, in Yellow Springs...

A Real Charge for Faculty Service

Laurence Musgrove reflects on applying the concepts of project management to the way professors plan programs.

Why Contingent Faculty Must Lead

The two candidates vying for the presidency of the AAUP lack tenure. Marc Bousquet considers what that means.

The Argument Left Unsaid About Foreign Students

It's time to admit that many of those who enroll in United States colleges want to stay after graduation, and to make the case that this is advantageous, writes Gautham Pandiyan.

Customer Service, or Provider Responsibility?

The “colleges as businesses” model may be flawed, but administrators and professors can ill afford to not to listen to the plaints of their students, Todd Diacon writes.

The Soiling of Old Glory

A new book analyzes a famous photograph from Boston anti-busing protests. Scott McLemee takes a pre-post-racial look.

Harsh Realities About Virtual Ones

Colleges need to question their rush to the latest technological wonders and focus more on students, writes Michael Bugeja.