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Day in the Life

Continuing his series on community colleges, Wick Sloane offers a glimpse of the rewards and challenges that two-year-college faculty members find inside and outside the classroom.

You Want ME to Write the Institutional History?

Steve Weinberg describes how it went when a journalism school turned to him -- an investigative reporter on its faculty -- to memorialize its centennial.


A poem by Laurence Musgrove, whose campus was shut down for the start of the week because of a threat.

French Theory

A forthcoming book takes a fresh perspective on how poststructuralism conquered America. Scott McLemee checks it out.

A Different Way to Fight Student Disengagement

Colleges need to change the curriculum and the way they define educational goals, writes Donald W. Harward.

The Equity Gap in State Funding

Kevin Carey wonders why K-12 financing systems that favor wealthier districts end up in court, but higher education financing systems aren't subjected to similar scrutiny.

Crafting a New Credo

David Galef recounts the U of All People's imperfect attempt to update its institutional principles after 50 years of gathering dust.

Higher Ed's Changing Economic Landscape

Recent decisions by a number of our major private institutions are changing the higher education financial landscape significantly and quickly...