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The Pursuit of Efficiency and the Pursuit of Folly

While colleges must avoid waste, they need to be careful that demands for cost-cutting -- especially in a period of tight state budgets -- don't destroy their values and mission, write Eric Gilbertson and Daniel Hurley.

Sustainability's Third Circle

Around 1952, the brown treesnake ( Boiga irregularis) arrived on Guam from somewhere in the South Pacific, presumably as an...

Becoming American

For society to thrive, universities can -- must -- introduce their students to the perennial questions and issues that define democratic theory and practice, writes Thomas Lindsay.

Protect Your Patent Portfolio

Unless it is altered, legislation pending in Congress would negatively affect research universities, administrators and inventors alike, write Sheldon Steinbach and Bruce Wieder.


How do military reservists balance the two sides of being "citizen-soldiers"? Scott McLemee asks the researchers.

The Answer Fits The Question

John W. Curtis defends the AAUP's approach to looking at changes in faculty salaries from year to year.

Teaching Beauty

Jennifer Green-Lewis and Margaret Soltan celebrate literature professors unafraid to share their love of authors' artistry with students.