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Attention Must Be Paid

A new book considers how the brain responds to information overload. Scott McLemee thinks it's more than a distraction.

'Deadliest Catch' as Inspiration

For the past two seasons I have been obsessed with the Discovery Channel's "Deadliest Catch" and anxiously anticipated its return...

Teaching and Learning: In Search of a Metaphor

Ellen J. Goldberger writes that it's time to move past the customer service image for higher education. She proposes a new way to talk about what happens in academe.

The Information Gap: Much Talk, Little Progress

There is still far too much data that we don't have about how higher education is performing, Dennis P. Jones argues.

Diversity of Ideas: Military Education on Campus

From Iraq, Rich Morales, a Yale alum, White House fellow, and battalion commander, weighs in on the university’s debate over restoring an officer training corps to its campus.

Relocation, Relocation, Relocation

A new book reflects on the writer as migrant. Scott McLemee tracks it down.

The Illusion of Race-Blind Admissions

Many critiques of affirmative action fail to understand how decisions are actually made, writes Julie Vultaggio.

Another View of Bias

William Major writes that he can't imagine punishing or rewarding a student for political reasons. But he wonders how much grades may be determined by whether professors like or dislike students.