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Who Benefits?

When American students want to do good in the developing world, do they have the tools to help or are they going to be a burden on those who do? Debra Carney asks some tough questions.

All We Want for the Holidays

Whether they've been naughty or nice, the men and women of U of All People are due gifts at this time of year. David Galef presents the wish list.

No More Fancy Fonts

Mikita Brottman bemoans the lost art of the creative syllabus, and what it says about our colleges and their students.

To the Extreme

Cornel West was in The Matrix, but cultural politics isn't a video game. Scott McLemee responds to the continuing discussion.

Whom Can You Trust on Climate Change?

The furor over the stolen e-mail messages makes this a perfect time to focus on the value of peer review, writes Kevin B. Johnson.

Lost Trust

The budget crisis at the University of California illustrates why faculty members can't rely on administrators to guard the real interests of higher education, writes Bob Samuels.

Engineering Flexibility

If becoming a major means writing off most electives, activities and study abroad, students will find other majors, writes Pamela A. Eibeck.

Define 'Frill' and Use it in a Sentence

Your “frill” is not my “frill. “ My frill, in fact, is an essential component of the work I do...