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Colleges and Universities Should Encourage Student Voting

Now is the best time to think in new ways about how to fulfill our responsibility to educate students for lifetimes of engagement, argue Lawrence S. Bacow and Rebecca M. Blank.

Don't Rely on Student Contracts to Safeguard Your Campus

They will not yield enough influence to impact students’ COVID-19 behaviors, particularly in their current form, argue Alyssa Lederer and Jeni Stolow.

Long Past Due

Scott McLemee reviews Joan Wallach Scott's On the Judgment of History.

Am I a Conservative?!

David Wong reflects on how a Japanese student revealed a disturbing truth to him.

To Use or Not to Use Virtual Private Networks

Requiring your students in China to stay connected to your classes through them is unethical, argues Bob Eckhart, who suggests some ways to avoid it.

Fighting Patterns of Inequity

COVID-19 has highlighted and exacerbated profound economic disparities that higher ed can -- and must -- combat, Yolanda Watson Spiva and Danette Howard write.

Pricing Today and Tomorrow

With COVID-19 and the recession aggravating existing revenue pressures on many colleges, now is the time for campus leaders to develop sustainable strategies, argue Peter Stokes, Bijan Warner and Steve Hahn.

Derailed by Poor Messaging

Or as Cool Hand Luke put it, “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate,” writes Michael J. Socolow about campus reopening plans.