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Use AP Exams in Admissions

With SAT Subject Tests out of the picture, it's the perfect time, writes David Benjamin Gruenbaum.


Laura Skandera Trombley reflects on the seismic changes and disorder that college presidents are now being asked to negotiate.

The Path to Failure in Academe: A Tragedy in Multiple Acts

With tongues in cheeks, Stephen M. Gavazzi, David V. Rosowsky and Chuck Pezeshki satirically describe the steps faculty and administrators can take to realize failure on a grand scale.

Lost in Space

Scott McLemee reviews From Here to There: The Art and Science of Finding and Losing Our Way by Michael Bond.

Long Live the Library

It's been on the front lines of expanding access and creating equity during the pandemic, and we can't let its funding evaporate, Valerie Nye and Christopher Schipper write.

Tempering the Baby Bust Financial Hit

Even though fewer children will be born in the coming years, a greater number of them will be able to pay more to attend college, writes Phillip B. Levine.

Learning to Listen in Polarized Times

The time students spend on our campuses may be their best and last opportunity to learn how to have conversations across racial, cultural and ideological differences, writes Ronald A. Crutcher.

Free Speech Fundamentalism

Faculty members who have been especially focused on defending their freedom of speech need to be paying more attention to the quality of it, writes Judith Shapiro.