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What’s Going on Here, Guys?

Men are checking out of college, and that should worry us all, writes Angela Baldasare. What can colleges do to boost male students’ motivation and success?

The Story Paradox

Scott McLemee reviews Jonathan Gottschall’s The Story Paradox: How Our Love of Storytelling Builds Societies and Tears Them Down.

Reimagining Community Engagement for a Post-COVID World

Evolving approaches are more necessary than ever, writes Vicki L. Baker, who offers four lessons that colleges should consider in developing these partnerships and programs.

A Giving Pledge for Rural Public Universities

Private donors could do a lot to help such institutions and the students whose lives they transform, writes Stan Spilecki.

Democratizing Data With an Equity Lens

By sharing the right data, higher ed leaders can use the collective expertise on their campus to identify and dislodge barriers to student success and advance equitable outcomes, writes Jeff Gold.

Ethical College Admissions: Would Lottery Admissions Work?

Jim Jump examines a recent study and the issues it raises.

When Will the Library Be Open?

David Banush explores how, with climate change and operational disruptions, answering that question going forward will require embracing an even more diffuse definition of the research library.

Resisting the Panopticon

It’s fine for faculty to choose to record lectures for students, but systems more or less foisted on them from the top down pose serious threats to academic freedom, argues Michael Schwalbe.