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Dead or Dormant?

California's controversial online education bill may be on hold, but just because it hasn't passed doesn't mean it hasn't had a significant impact, write Phil Hill and Dean Florez.

Democratic Limits of "Customized"

It its industrial approach to efficiency, competency-based education shortchanges less-affluent student and contributes to stratification, Amy Slaton writes.

Overload and Collapse

A new book charts the rise of an artform so loud and harsh that "music" may not be the word for it. Scott McLemee brings the noise.

My Problem With MOOCs

In teaching, it's ultimately about the ability of a professor to make a personal, intellectual connection and force a student to think some more, writes Brent Chesley.

Ignoring the Founders

Politicians who marginalize the humanities forget the values that created the United States, and imperil its civil society, write Carol Geary Schneider and David Townsend.

Rude Democracy

Colleges can't prevent messy debates on their campuses, and they can't legislate civility, but they can teach it, writes Susan Herbst.

Books Are MOOCs, Too

Bernard Fryshman compares the newest educational technology with one of the oldest.

The Language of Financial Aid

The way higher education officials talk about paying for college confuses families. Let’s communicate with them in ways they understand, C. Anthony Broh argues.