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More Colleges Should Divest From the Institution of Policing

On the heels of the gruesome killing of George Floyd, colleges should listen to students about this undeniable moral imperative, write Charles H. F. Davis III and Jude Paul Matias Dizon.

Messy, Beloved Community

What’s needed to make a campus safe now is at odds with the experiences people crave, argues Deborah J. Cohan, and institutions are making decisions about the fall based on magical thinking.

What a New Test Needs to Have

John Katzman has for years called for the elimination of the SAT and ACT. He envisions what a replacement would look like.

It’s Now or Never

College leaders seeking to survive and thrive in a post-pandemic environment have no choice but to reassess and redefine their value proposition, argue Scott Latham and Michael Braun.
Illustration of students at desks

Imagining a Replacement for the SAT and ACT

Ben Paris thinks California could make a better test. Here's how.

Promoting Student Mental Health in Difficult Days

John MacPhee recommends that colleges take a comprehensive approach that includes four key actions.

So Much Pith

Scott McLemee reviews Shakespeare and Trump by Jeffrey R. Wilson.

The Surest Step Toward Normalcy

The fundamental issue isn't whether colleges should reopen in August, writes Lamar Alexander, but how institutions can do it safely.