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Recovering Administrator

Terri Givens, back in the faculty ranks, considers what she learned and why (when the time is right) she may go back.

Pick Your Battles

Kerry Ann Rockquemore writes about the danger of fighting everything and of the danger of never expressing legitimate frustrations.

The Bridge to Somewhere

There are ways to phase in a move from higher ed to another kind of employment, writes Sabine Hikel.

Not a Consolation Prize

Community colleges need to be cautious before hiring Ph.D.s who haven’t been trained for teaching at two-year institutions, and unemployed doctorates shouldn’t assume they are prepared for such jobs, writes Kory Lawson Ching.

The Art of Delegation

Kerry Ann Rockquemore writes that junior faculty members are too quick to assume they can't get help, and too hesitant to ask.

30 Writing Tips

Curtis J. Bonk offers advice for the start of an academic career.

Being an Effective Administrative Spouse

Mary M. Kennedy offers her experiences as wife and teacher as a case study in partnerships for higher education leaders.

Responding to Rejection

When you get negative feedback, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore, analyze it, deal with it (if appropriate) and move on.