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When Bad Things Happen, What Do You Tell Your Team?

Whether you manage one person or several hundred, you’ll be confronted with the issue of what to tell employees when things go awry, writes Ellen de Graffenreid.

Internal Disappointments

When you compete for a different job on your own campus and lose out, how do you respond to such a setback? Judith S. White offers advice.

Let’s Make Child Care More Accessible

We must provide more financial support for parents struggling to afford child care, and that must include student parents working toward a credential or degree, argues Sarah Labadie.

Why You Should Job Search Like a Runner

Katharyn L. Stober shows how the same practical tips for performing better as a runner can apply to advancing your career.

Academic Blackballing

Faculty members, particularly those of color, have suffered a backlash for speaking out against injustices, denying them opportunities for professional growth and advancement, writes Sandy Grande.

Faculty-to-Faculty Mentoring

What sustains faculty members are relationships with others, write Jennifer Lundquist and Joya Misra, who outline how to identify mentors and how to be a better one yourself.

There’s an App for That

While no writing instrument can do the actual work for you, Scott McLemee describes the benefits (and disadvantages) of various note-taking apps.

Organizing Dynamic, Not Deadly, Retreats

Instead of making participants roll their eyes, a retreat, when facilitated well, can be inspiring, clarifying and productive, write Julie A. Peterson and Lisa M. Rudgers.