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Dismantling Whiteness in Academe

Over all, the failed project of watered-down academic diversity is a reminder of how whiteness is structured -- and structuring our interactions in higher education, argues Salvador Vidal-Ortiz.

2 Laws of Committee Work

Academe runs on committees, writes James Tuten, who shares two adage-worthy behaviors he’s observed about them.

After the Interview

Melissa Dennihy gives suggestions on how to make each interview a valuable learning experience, whether you ultimately land the job or not.

Responding to Right-Wing Attacks

Dana Cloud, who was targeted herself, offers a guide for other academics.

3 Ways to Keep Your Job Search Going

Gaia Vasiliver-Shamis recommends mapping a plan, harnessing technology and finding an accountability buddy.

3 Questions Researchers Should Ask About Sexual Violence

We should challenge dominant ways of knowing and expose hidden assumptions that are often taken for granted, argue Jessica C. Harris and Chris Linder.

Intersectionality and Sexual Violence

Classroom discussions about sexual violence require challenging assumptions about gender, writes Jamie J. Hagen.

Documenting Your Career for Success

Don Haviland, Anna M. Ortiz and Laura Henriques advise how to create a strong reappointment, tenure or promotion file.