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How Faculty Can Help Ph.D.s Land Nonacademic Jobs

They can take steps to help position graduate students for different careers, writes Jocelyn Frelier, starting with moving away from a “just focus on your dissertation” approach.

How Online Teaching Can Promote Empathy

The approaches and tools that emerged during the pandemic could help lay the groundwork for a new driver of academic success, writes Lisa J. Anderson.

Required: Pragmatic Preparation

If the U.S. Supreme Court outlaws race-conscious admissions policies, diversity officers must be ready to show the way forward, writes Paulette Granberry Russell.

Strategies for Career Exploration in Uncertain Times

Linda Louie offers four steps that grad students and postdocs can take to get past faulty assumptions and more rigorously examine the best options.

The Tenure and Promotion Process, Reimagined

How, Deborah J. Cohan asks, can academe make it more productive, meaningful and streamlined for everyone—including the candidate, the reviewers and the institution?

Academic Publishing in a Global Age of Extremes

Guy Geltner describes how scholars may increasingly have to balance dialogue with censorship when publishing their research in other countries.

Why an Active Classroom Doesn’t Always Work

Rather than positively providing them a self-directed space, it might instead be just one more thing an overworked student has to cope with, writes Sarabeth Grant.

Pruning ‘Deadwood’ From Our Collective Vocabulary

Those of us in higher education need to rethink the pejorative term and its implications, writes Carol Bishop Mills.