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hand coming from right holds a long white arrow as a type of bridge on which three people with briefcases can run along and ahead

3 Budget-Free Ways to Support Faculty

Michelle Pautz, Jessica Dewey and Martha Diede describe what faculty members have said is most frustrating about their jobs and how administrators can better support them in small yet impactful ways.

A woman and two men in red cloaks shoot upward past clouds into the sky

A Title Does Not a Leader Make

A key question underlying the myriad challenges higher ed faces is whether we have people equipped to lead our institutions through those challenges, Vicki L. Baker writes.

Student in bedroom with messy bed holding a book and wearing sweatpants

The Soft-Pants Effect

Monica Chrambach Kucich and Jenny Weil Malatras explore why our students are struggling and often disengaged—and then offer some advice on how we can help.

A hand with a red pen reaches out and strikes out a bundle of lines all confused and incomprehensible in a type of messy ball

Levels of Accuracy

As an academic, you are sometimes, maybe, kinda allowed to write simple declarative sentences, writes Rachel Toor.

The word Accepted followed by an asterisk on a black background

We Can Say the Word ‘Fat’

Most of us in academe would rather ignore the needs of marginalized people than recognize antifat biases, but we must do better, writes Kallie Menard.

A phone displaying the Associate Deans Twitter account, with a photo of Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge in the profile photo spot.

Taking Umbridge With Associate Deans

Richard Utz explores how and why such academic administrators are parodied on Twitter.

Illustration: Group of hands of all different colors outstretched and raised in the air

Creating Classroom Community Agreements

They provide the best way to cultivate critically compassionate learning communities, writes Jesica Siham Fernández.

Illustration: Two women scientists working at a table, one looking through a microscope

Increasing Women’s Representation in STEM Fields

Leaders in academe hold several keys to correct the well-documented tendency to undervalue women’s work, writes Nina Gray.