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Tips for Successful Screening Interviews

Gaeun Seo shares some insights to help early-career job candidates better prepare for this stage of the faculty hiring process.

The Challenges Facing LGBTQ+ Senior Administrators

Carra Hood offers 10 steps for addressing bias and unequal treatment in higher education institutions.

Zooming Through the Pandemic

Jonathan Chambers and Stephannie S. Gearhart predict that academics will experience a cult of speed in the future even more intensely than they do today as COVID continues to unfold.

Creating a Compassionate Classroom

It’s the environment where students reap the most educational and social-emotional benefits, write Hannah L. Schacter, Shanique G. Brown, Ana M. Daugherty, Susanne Brummelte and Emily Grekin.

Against Academic Passion

Lara McKenzie explores the problematic consequences, especially for early-career academics, of not showing love for one’s scholarship and teaching.

Engaging Employers Early in Grad Student Training

Anne Meyer-Minor describes the mutual benefits that occur when company managers collaborate with academics in the career development of advanced-degree trainees.

The Question of Ph.D. Career Diversity Initiatives

Is it wise, Christopher Caterine asks, for universities to spend so much time and money to help people who’ve trained for one career to step into another?

Making Courageous Decisions in Higher Education

In challenging times, how can you best move forward and not become frozen by the difficult choices, severe doubt or analysis paralysis? Patrick Sanaghan shares five key lessons.