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Writing the Adjunct Experience

Two novelists discuss their careers off the tenure track.

Finishing in Five

Mike Strayer offers strategies for finishing a doctoral program in a timely way -- even in the humanities. And he offers ideas on how departments can help.

Old Mentors Never Die ... or Do They?

Ulf Kirchdorfer offers a paean to the retired professors who mentored him -- and wonders if other people miss their senior colleagues as much as he does.

Endangered Species

The United States needs experts on Russia. But Mark Lawrence Schrad, one such expert, describes how difficult it is to find a job in academe with this specialty.

Tenure Brain

It's time to be honest about how psychologically and professionally damaging the tenure process is, even to those who succeed, writes Cheryl E. Ball.

The Happy Hour Test

Departments favor candidates who seem like they will fit in, and there's nothing wrong with that, writes Jeffrey A. Johnson.

Let Them Play the Game

Sarah Demers tried (and failed) to teach a new card game to her family. She's the one who ended up learning something -- about when lectures aren't the right approach.

The Difficulty of Delegating

Faculty members with long to-do lists need to think about when and how to trust others with key tasks, writes Nate Kreuter.