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Tech Tools

Joseph Barber reviews websites and databases that can help the Ph.D. or postdoc doing a job search.

The Inverse Interview

About to interview for an academic position? Elizabeth Simmons suggests how to ask questions that convey your enthusiasm and readiness for the role.

Tweets for Liberation

Shay Akil McLean writes of the promise of digital popular education.

The In-Between Times

Nate Kreuter seeks more productivity by making better use of those groups of minutes between major tasks.

When Good Advice Is Relative

What do you do when you get too much or conflicting advice? Stephanie K. Eberle has ideas about vetting the ideas.

Why You (Yes, You!) Should Write Book Reviews

Casey Brienza says that promoting scholarship and the common good of academe is a value that deserves support -- and that this work can also help individual careers.

Acing the Interview

Melissa Dennihy wants you to be prepared.

Why Academics Feel Overworked

Philip Guo says that the nature of academic work is different from other models, and requires new professors to learn to say no.