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When the Even-Tempered Act

Graduate school deans' typically moderate, judicious, conciliatory and what some might even call boring approach positions them to be innovators in the COVID world, writes Debra W. Stewart.

Career Exploration in College

Students are frustrated about a lack of career exploration in college, and some universities seek a bigger role for professors as career mentors.

A Renewed Focus on the Practice of Teaching

The abrupt transition to online teaching during the pandemic may fundamentally change how faculty members approach education, write Shigeru Miyagawa and Meghan Perdue.

Surviving the Pandemic as Grad Student Parents

Laura Cruz and Hoda Ehsan outline a list of strategies they'd like to share with others.

Turning Transactional Into Transformational

Natalie Lundsteen and Diane A. Safer outline the essentials for getting the most out of one-on-one career advising.

The Time for Teamwork Is Now

People have been discussing the potential benefits in academic settings for more than two decades, but COVID-19 has brought the issue into sharp relief, write Karen Spierling and Jane Palmer.

Leading Students During Departmental Conflicts

​As the mentor, guide and role model, you have the responsibility to maintain inclusive environments and steer the debate in a productive direction, advise Ronald J. Threadgill, Nicholas C. Burbules and C. K. Gunsalus.

Using Online Quizzing Better

This semester, make your online quizzes carry more of the weight of instruction, Zachary Nowak advises.