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The Myth of the Muse

Waiting for inspiration is not a strategy to win tenure, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

New Kid on the Block

Tempted as new faculty members may be to focus on research and teaching, they should remember that academic careers are about relationships, John Frazee writes.

Write Now!

Karen Hoelscher and Carmen Werder offer tips on how to avoid procrastination and sustaining writing momentum.

Mid-Semester Sinking Feeling

Kerry Ann Rockquemore shares a technique for getting organized.

5 More Marketing Questions

Elizabeth Scarborough suggests five topics for presidents to raise with candidates for chief marketing officer positions.

Standing Out From the Herd

Eliza Woolf offers advice on making your application more enticing to a search committee.

What's Holding You Back?

Now that we’re almost halfway into the fall semester, it’s an ideal time to stop and evaluate your progress. I...

Friends and Mentors - II

It's OK (and for many women it may be necessary) to say that you have enough friends, without your students, writes Heather Zwicker.